Loading Metadata from mp4/m4v Files or iTunes tracks

If your videos file is already in mp4/m4v file format, it might already contain usable metadata. iFlicks will automatically load this metadata once the file is added, but might replace it with metadata downloaded from one of its metadata sources.

To revert this, you can always have iFlicks re-load the metadata that is already contained in the video file, by using the advanced button in the metadata sidebar. It is possible to load the metadata from iTunes tracks as well, if the video is already in iTunes.

Load Metadata from Filename

Parses the filename again, and will just use the resulting metadata. All other fields will be empty.

Merge Metadata from Filename

Parses the filename again, and just replace the metadata fields that were updated.

Load Metadata from File

Load metadata already available in the video file. All other fields will be empty.

Merge Metadata from File

Merge the metadata already available in the video file with the displayed metadata.

Load Metadata from iTunes

Load metadata already available in the iTunes track. All other fields will be empty.

Merge Metadata from iTunes

Merge the metadata already available in the iTunes track with the displayed metadata.

Note: You can also use rules to customize which metadata fields are populated with existing items. This might come handy if you always use a specific field for your own information for example.

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