Rule Predicates (Conditions)

The first row in the predicates section of a rule determines how the conditions for the rule are linked together.

The options available are

None of the conditions apply

All of the conditions apply

At least one of the conditions apply

The following rows are used to match specific conditions of the video file.

The first drop down is for the attribute of the video to check, the second for the comparison and the right part allows to add a value for comparison. Using the + symbol on the far right, you can add more rows.

Most of the attributes that can be used on are the same as the metadata fields. Due to this only the ones which deserve special explanation are listed here.

Audio Tracks
Allows you to check if audio tracks in a specific language were found in the file

Language Code
Contains the language code for the metadata of the file. This language code will also be used for metadata lookup.

Metadata found
Allows you to check if metadata was found by the automatic lookup. That way you can stop automatic processing from watch folder if none was found for example.

Contains the Name field in the metadata. It is important to note that this is NOT the filename.

Original Filename
Contains the file name of the video file (without the path). Checks for custom file naming schemes should be run on this field.

Original Path
Contains the path of the video file. This allows you to check if the file is located in one of your watch folders and should be treated in a specific way because of this.

Subtitle Tracks
Allows you to check if subtitles in a specific language are available in the video.

Surround Audio Tracks
Allows you to check if surround audio tracks in a specific language are available in the video.

Video Height
Allows you to check for the height of the video track.

Video Width
Allows you to check for the width of the video track.

The available comparison predicates change depending on the attribute choses. This means that not all of the following options are available for each predicate.

The attribute is the same as the right side (case- and diacritic-insensitive)

is not
The attribute is different from the right side

Allows the most powerful comparisons using Regular Expressions. For more details, please check the dedicated Knowledge Base Entry.

is like
Similar to is, but you can use wildcards * (match zero or more characters) and ? (match exactly one character)

begins with
The attribute starts with the text on the right side (same as contains query*)

ends with
The attribute ends with the text on the right side (same as contains *query)

The attribute contains the text on the right side (same as contains *query*)

is less than
Attribute < Query

is less than or equal to
Attribute <= Query

is greater than
Attribute > Query

is greater than or equal to
Attribute >= Query

Attribute == Query

is not
Attribute != Query
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